Citing need to keep change in line with 2022 market and Israelis' ongoing cost of living struggles, MKs accept advice to reduce their raises

In debate on coalition bill to revoke citizenship of convicted terrorists who receive payment from PA, Hanoch Milwidsky claims there have never been Jewish terrorists

Panel okays coalition legislation, set to be approved by plenum within 2 weeks; Arab MK Tibi says measure singles out Arabs; Likud MK retorts: 'I prefer Jewish murderers'

Labor, Yisrael Beytenu oppose Likud bid to raise public funding by NIS 30m, so issue goes to oversight panel; talks ongoing on aspects of dissolving Knesset Wednesday for elections

Key House Committee meeting repeatedly delayed to give MKs time to discuss election date and additional legislation, amid opposition efforts to form alternative government

Legally questionable maneuver by Labor MK aimed at keeping Orbach from dragging feet to give alternate government a chance; panel will also discuss bill barring Netanyahu as PM

Yamina rebel holds off on convening his House Committee, the next stop of the bill to call new elections; process expected to be completed next week, but unclear when

Nir Orbach holds off on convening Knesset House Committee in order to delay legislation to disband parliament; says he's in talks to form right-wing coalition without elections

Rogue lawmaker appealed to have Bennett and Shaked testify at Knesset House hearing; party says he 'actively worked to get more faction members to rebel'

Move said driven by party's intention to prove seriousness of its freeze of membership in the coalition and parliament
