Yisrael Beytenu chief expects PM to resign after March election, says he's 'in denial' over his future; claims Bennett, Shaked 'dream' of coalition without Netanyahu

Kingmaker Yisrael Beytenu chair says he's not opposed to serving with Labor-Gesher-Meretz alliance; says it's clear that Likud-Blue and White government won't happen

Yoaz Hendel insists his statement on Israeli melting pot was not derisive, while right-wing and Arab politicians accuse him of racism and ignorance

Despite bump in support for Gantz and his allies, survey predicts Avigdor Liberman will retain his kingmaker status, potentially setting up further political stalemate

But release of US proposal, indictment of Netanyahu fail to break deadlock between rival Knesset blocs in trio of pre-election surveys

Network surveys see Blue and White edging out Likud, but neither camp able to muster 61 seats without Avigdor Liberman, even if Otzma Yehudit somehow makes it into the Knesset

Green Party chair says an independent run would have risked wasting left-wing votes, vows to continue fighting for fellow Israelis from outside Knesset

With 49 days till election, survey shows Blue and White expanding gap on Likud, but at expense of satellite parties, while right-wing religious parties appear stronger when divided

Issawi Frej accuses Meretz chief Horowitz, who brokered deal with Labor-Gesher, of acting against his party's principles; party spokesperson pushes back against rebuke

Bristling with excitement over merger despite earlier misgivings over alliance with leftist faction, Amir Peretz says parties have more in common than not
