Yigal Amir, who hasn't been granted prison leave since murdering PM in 1995, took case to court after prison service shot down bid

Israel Prisons Service rejects bid by Yigal Amir, who hasn't been granted furlough since murdering PM in 1995; service believes court will also block move

Mandelblit weighs in after Labor MK calls for banning Mishpat Tzedek, a political party founded to advocate for the freedom of Rabin's assassin

If allowed to run, party founded by family of killer Yigal Amir would receive free airtime on TV and radio, funded by taxpayer

With deadline looming, efforts to unite right-wing parties remain at an impasse

As party registration kicks off, new faction seeks to clear right-wing extremist convicted of gunning down prime minister at 1995 peace rally

Top court upholds decision to limit privileges after Yigal Amir contacted far-right rapper in effort to form political party that would lobby for his release

Judge upholds decision to remove amenities after Yigal Amir reached out to far-right rapper in bid to form a political party that would lobby for his release

Yigal Amir, in solitary confinement, had his amenities reduced after protesting confiscation of his phone over illicit use for political call

Yigal Amir sent to solitary confinement with reduced amenities after protesting confiscation of his phone after he violated prison rules with political call
