After posting Wikipedia photo of Haredi men, artist flogged for using Jewish lawyer trope to celebrate Las Vegas police deciding not to file charges over incident at concert

Boy, 17, with nonverbal autism is only kippah-wearing student at Las Vegas school; mom pulls him from institution, doesn't trust version of events by staffer tasked with aiding him

At CES, head of Israeli firm that uses AI and sensors to manage air conditioning systems says new technologies should have 'path to profitability' in order to thrive

Jack Abraham brought the scroll for Shabbat services at trade show, was told the room where he left it was secured; says police told him suspect tried to sell the artifact

Two bodies emerge within a week in drought-stricken reservoir, with ex-mayor saying former mafia clients now keen on 'climate control': 'It’s not a bad place to dump a body'

Crumbled brick wall at Holocaust Memorial Plaza meant to evoke 'deterioration of the Jewish community due to the Nazi regime'

Years of tough workouts and strict nutritional intake pay off for 25-year-old Lavie Kafra, who aims to show that hard work and discipline — not drugs — are the key to success

i\In surprise video address to RJC confab in Las Vegas, former US president claims successor's return to Iran talks directly led to missile fire on Israel

A stone's throw from Sin City, nearly 40% of the area's 70,000 Jews have built a complete religious infrastructure - and their numbers are still growing exponentially

The movie star-handsome member of the infamous Murder, Inc. envisioned a gambling oasis in the desert, says a new book in Yale's Jewish Lives series
