Premier makes comments ahead of cabinet meeting with top police and legal officials on policy regarding police activity at rallies against judicial overhaul
Inspection follows March warning to scrapyards that they could face $180,000 fines if found to be working without the necessary equipment and facilities to minimize pollution
Annual state comptroller report slams agriculture and health ministries for failing to control pesticides, pillories Environment Ministry for not tackling environmental damage
Head of state police raps district chief's 'terrible decisions,' prioritizing officers' lives over those of 19 students killed; mayor pushes back, calls Senate hearing 'clown show'
MKs give municipal inspectors more authority to penalize riders of two-wheeled electric vehicles for violations such as not wearing a helmet or not obeying traffic signs
Justices also ask for explanation why Public Security Minister Ohana should be exempt from agreement and why senior law enforcement officials shouldn't finally be appointed
Premier says Mandelblit has no authority to make such a determination, in a move that could lead the top legal official to recommend prime minister step down amid criminal trial
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