Three additional Border Police reserve companies reportedly called up to bolster forces, as security measures ramp up before nationalistic parade on Sunday

Documents in nuclear archive stolen by Israel show Iranian officials preparing for inspections by creating cover stories and otherwise misleading UN agency two decades ago

Crowds chant death to Israel as they pay final respects to Hassan Sayyad Khodaei, gunned down in an attack widely blamed on Israel

Sgt. Vadim Shishimarin, 21, admitted killing 62-year-old Oleksandr Shelipov in the early days of the Kremlin's offensive in northeast Ukraine

Four prisoners who aided the six men in escaping from Gilboa Prison last year handed four years on top of their ongoing sentences

Source asserts coalition crisis triggered by Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi's decision to pull support for government will be resolved in coming days

Fellow member of left-wing party calls on Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi to reverse her 'fatal decision,' which put the government in the minority

Police say evidence against Ilana Sporta Hania has only grown since her arrest on suspicion of sending two notes to Bennett and his family threatening their lives

More than 260 fighters - some severely wounded - pulled out yesterday while officials work to safely transport remaining soldiers in operation Moscow has termed 'mass surrender'

Newly released security camera footage shows officers armed with batons inside building before heavily criticized police intervention at start of procession for Shireen Abu Akleh
