Mobs throw stones, other objects at police in Modiin Illit and Jerusalem in another night of violence as authorities face intransigent factions within Haredi community

Lawmakers filmed speaking to Gila Gamliel last week have not been ordered to self-isolate, despite her COVID-19 diagnosis

Police say three arrested, cruiser damaged; videos show fracas between locals massed on street and officers, young kids hurling stones at car with soldier inside

With reported infraction, Nadav Argaman joins growing list of officials accused of ignoring the COVID-19 rules they are urging the public to follow

'The death of every patient who didn't need to die upsets me,' says physician Daniel King, who lost four people under his care in one day

Ayreh Deri says 'a liar' is telling the media he prayed in Tiberias on Yom Kippur, insists he was in Jerusalem; former mayor claims unnamed 'senior minister' was in northern city

Force denies report Jerusalem commander told several sects that officers won't enforce virus lockdown if footage and photos of gatherings aren't publicized

With 'no leadership and unclear restrictions,' law enforcement is being 'sucked into a black hole,' former Tel Aviv police chief tells Times of Israel

Leader of Kretchnif dynasty praises officer's dedication to job, says it must be hard to break up Sukkot celebrations under virus rules, sends followers home... for a while

Police say 2 officers injured, number of vehicles damaged during operation to enforce virus regulations
