Suspects, both, 20, are from southern Bedouin town of Hura

Opportunists in Ashkelon find thousands of items, including toys and pacifiers; one man snags a new fridge; 'It's a once-in-a-generation event,' says witness

23 works held by philanthropist Shelby White noted in search warrants from June 2021, April 2022; some were returned to Italy and Turkey in recent months

Israel Antiquities Authority says men damaged site while they were searching for mythical hidden treasure in a well

Priceless crown from bloody rule of Attila the Hun snatched by Russian troops in February among thousands of artifacts stolen or destroyed in what Ukraine deems a massive war crime

Military says soldier sold device looted in Beit Ummar to third party, wiped correspondence with buyer from own phone

City's Jewish community hit particularly hard by racial justice protests following police killing of George Floyd

Museum paid $4 million for Coffin of Nedjemankh in 2017, but investigators say institution given fraudulent documents, casket smuggled out of Middle East