Local police order residents and business owners in city of Lewiston to stay indoors as gunman remains at large
The post At least 16 killed, dozens injured in mass shooting in Maine appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Justices say Maine's denial of funds to religious schools is unconstitutional; Orthodox Union hails decision as a win 'for religious liberty and parental choice in education'

Conservative justices indicate not offering funds to religious schools could discriminate, in case supporting tuition aid for private schools, closely followed by Jewish groups

Since 1985, New York native Raphael Gribetz has brought art, music, and religion to Presque Isle, a small town bordering Canada. But, he says, his troubles continue to follow him

Challenger Sara Gideon's bipartisanship, centrism and record of support for the Jewish state make her increasingly popular as Dems set sights on swing state to get Senate majority

Bangor police investigate incident at Congregation Beth Israel; security footage captures teenage offenders

Whistleblower in federal lawsuit alleges law enforcement broke laws by monitoring, storing information on gun buyers, protesters, staffers at Seeds of Peace summer camp

Donald Gellers represented Passamaquoddy tribe, exposing police abuses and looting of trust fund; was convicted on trumped up marijuana charge