'I know I’m using the word Nazi and everybody gets mad when I say it, but that’s exactly what they are,' Republican says, months after apologizing for using Holocaust analogies

Group behind Saturday's rally, which claims those charged over riot are 'political prisoners,' has enjoyed fundraising windfall since joining with aggrieved Trump allies

Congresswoman apparently disciplined under the 'strike' system Twitter launched in March to identify COVID-related content that is misleading enough to cause harm

Rep. Lauren Boebert previously used the term 'brown shirts' to refer to enforcement of public health measures by state's Jewish governor

'You can’t force people to be part of the human experiment,' Georgia Republican says, weeks after apologizing for using Nazi analogies

Amid concerns of political fallout, the rival parties retreat from efforts to punish the two lawmakers accused of antisemitism

Controversial Republican lawmaker retracts statements after visit to US Holocaust Museum: 'There's no comparison and there never ever will be'

Nashville store excoriated on social media and targeted by protesters; iconic hatmaker Stetson says it will no longer do business with shop selling 'not vaccinated' badges

Republican accuses media of comparing her party to Nazis for 4 years, moments before doing so to her rivals

Marjorie Taylor Greene doubles down on the comparison, which Kevin McCarthy calls 'appalling'; but he also accuses Democrats of ignoring antisemitism in their own party
