Archaeological digs, cupcake decorations, museum tours and neighborhood explorations are some of the activities up for offer during the eight-day holiday

Menorah installed by Nature and Parks Authority wardens at Nebi Samuel site, holy to both Jews and Muslims, moved to synagogue entrance instead

Woman claims Hirschel Pekkar, who died in August, violated her as a young girl dozens of times in the 1990s, sues estate to melt down brass Hanukkah emblem as symbolic act

A family's collection in memory of their fallen son brings new area of interest to Jerusalem institution, even if it's not considered 'art'

Social activists and opinion leaders from Gulf nations attend event in Jerusalem's Old City described by Kotel chief rabbi as a 'Hanukkah miracle'

Rare assemblage of lamp molds, kiln and unused oil lamps found under rubble from Tiberias earthquake of 1033 sheds light on craftsmanship in early Islamic period

Dreidel-shaped stand memorializes Monsey’s own Hanukkah miracle and is emblazoned on its sides with Hebrew words marked on dreidels, 'A big miracle happened here'

10-foot menorah, created by non-Jewish artist, is erected for 2nd straight year in Tomsk, where temperatures stay below freezing point from September to March

Hitherto unpublished 2,000-year-old charcoal menorah, forgotten in archives for 40 years, shores up hypothesis that ancient Michmas was a priestly settlement, study says

The 266-year-old Rintel, a powerful symbol of Dutch Jewry, goes on museum display after being retired from ritual use
