Defense minister again threatens military strike if diplomatic efforts to halt Iran's nuclear program fall through

Saeed Aghajani and two companies helping IRGC build unmanned vehicles put on Treasury blacklist; had been named by Gantz in August as person planning and carrying out attacks

Border violence continues during Bennett's first trip to White House, where he intends to stress his desire to maintain calm, refusal to freeze settlement building

At briefing to some 60 foreign diplomats, defense minister says Iranian leadership approved deadly attack on Israeli-linked oil tanker, and drone was launched from Iran's territory

Military, defense minister believe a credible threat of an Israeli attack on Tehran's nuclear facilities is only way US will be able to negotiate better deal with Islamic Republic

Cybersecurity company Check Point names opposition group Indra, which it says inflicted 'nation-state-level damage' in July assault

Defense minister says Israel willing to help Lebanon, but won't suffer crises leaking into its territory; president says those who harm Israel ‘will feel our might’

Deputy assistant secretary of defense appeared to say drones that hit Mercer Street were launched from wartorn country, but later clarification says this was not the case

US secretary of state tells UN Security Council explosion that hit MT Mercer Street is part of a pattern of 'provocative behavior' and those responsible must be held to account

Josep Borrell condemns 'unlawful attack' on Israel-linked Mercer Street vessel; Tehran continues to deny allegations
