Members of emerging coalition under Netanyahu are vowing to roll back many achievements of predecessors covering environment, LGBTQ community and funding for Arab minority

Netanyahu accuses Gantz of plotting Palestinian capital in Jerusalem, Gantz says won't sit with former PM 'under any circumstances'; fresh polls indicate ongoing stalemate

Miki Zohar defends controversial far-right MK but says he'll need to 'adjust' to Likud party; Otzma Yehudit leader praises racist rabbi Kahane as 'hero'

Coalition and opposition lawmakers reportedly closing in on compromise, amid negotiations that also involve contentious bill to bar Netanyahu from becoming PM, other legislation

Netanyahu's party to propose deporting terrorists' families, jail terms for flying the Palestinian flag or burning Israel's, stripping citizenship for demonstrating during war

Lawmakers say challenger has 'no chance' of unseating long-time chief, criticize his timing in announcing intention as opposition battles government over budget

Proposal said to have been raised at meeting over draft law; report of offer comes days after opposition leader launched personal attacks on former coalition partner

MK Zohar says defense minister 'can be prime minister right now' if he agrees to form an alternate coalition with right-wing parties

Joint List lawmakers align with government on legislation; MK who filed proposal decries 'shame' of the vote; Likud's Zohar defends move

David Amsalem's remark to Boaz Toporovsky at Knesset Arrangements Committee meeting comes day after another opposition MK told coalition whip Silman to answer 'like a good girl'
