Recordings from Likud faction meeting reveal worried party members, demands Netanyahu intervene personally to find solution, as coalition presses ahead on contentious bills

The new generation of right-wing politicians are bound by the belief that entrenched leftist elites lurk behind every institution and policy problem. The result is chaos

Lobbying group for Russian-speaking Israelis holds fierce debate on cutting the 'grandchild clause,' with all sides acknowledging that it won't happen fast

Proposal by ultra-Orthodox lawmakers calls for 15% of operating hours to be divided between men and women; opposition MKs slam move as establishing 'religious state'

Political correspondent Tal Schneider discusses latest political brouhaha and cultural storms as real estate writer Danielle Nagler talks housing prices and where to live in Israel

Zohar rolls back initiative offering free, subsidized events over weekend that municipalities could decide to hold during, before or after Sabbath based on residents' religiosity

Miki Zohar says creators free to produce any content they want, but if they want financial backing, they'll need to pledge their work is not what he deems to be anti-Israeli

During game against visiting Cyprus team, supporters disrupt match despite warnings from referees and Culture and Sports Minister Zohar, prompting their removal

Meanwhile, new Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi says he will undo predecessor's change to kosher cell phone market, but otherwise open up the telecom market to competition

In court, prime minister-designate's son calls Stav Shaffir a 'bitch' as former Labor lawmaker tells opposition attorneys that she has no hope their client will alter his behavior
