More than 6,000 people donate, reportedly including prominent right-wing rabbis, head of ultranationalist homophobic Lehava group

Politician's quasi-libertarian, pro-pot, nationalist party failed to enter Knesset in 2019 despite high expectations; will try again with party that previously pushed him out

Ex-Swedish PM gets an earful after appearing to express surprise at proposal, while some on right say Jerusalem shouldn't be assisting enemy state; Lebanon doesn't respond to offer

Politician, who failed twice to win Knesset seats after promising initial opinion polls, says political arena is not ready for messages that are beyond pro- or anti-Netanyahu

Blue and White says PM 'bought' Zehut party's withdrawal in exchange for immunity from prosecution; Democratic Camp alleges election fraud

In bid to shore up his chances in September vote, PM also promises far-right party to open medical cannabis market to imports

Right-wing party that is predicted to come up short in September elections may drop out of the race in exchange for cannabis legislation and a cabinet post

Libertarian party leader vows to withdraw from Knesset race in exchange for cabinet post if he reaches agreement with Netanyahu on cannabis reform

Reported offer for Zehut party chair to drop out of race in return for ministerial post could even necessitate a revote, says legal expert now representing Yisrael Beytenu

Otzma Yehudit and Zehut both unlikely to garner enough votes to enter Kneset, but say they are not considering ending their campaigns
