Planting event in Burin comes 2 weeks after settler attack against activists; army keeps Jewish extremists away; Palestinian cars, homes vandalized near Nablus in separate incident

Meretz MK Mossi Raz vows to torpedo new settlement, 'even if it means toppling the government,' while coalition chairwoman Silman hails decision

Reports say outgoing attorney general approved deal for Evyatar, paving the way for settlers to return to site; Meretz lawmakers pan move as reward to 'criminals'

Attorney general says no evidence officers tried to hit car of Ahuvia Sandak, shutting book on highly charged case; coalition MK claims 'coverup'

MKs from 7 parties told to self-isolate due to exposure to Knesset Channel reporter suspected of having new strain; parliament considering further restrictions to prevent spread

Police minister says settler provocations and attacks on Palestinians rising at a worrying rate, soldiers' inaction unacceptable

Lawmakers Mossi Raz and Gaby Lasky tell Housing Minister Elkin his drive to boost settlements 'far' from what party can agree to

Announcement comes amid reports 3,000 settler homes will be okayed this week in the West Bank alongside 1,300 Palestinian homes; Jordan, PA, Meretz party condemn decision

Meretz and Yamina still at odds over regulatory reform included in bill, with both threatening to vote against; budget must pass 3 readings by November 4 or Knesset dissolves

Cuts to daycare subsidies spark outrage among Haredi communities, vows of revenge from their parties; it's not clear move was fully coordinated with other coalition members
