Sources bash PM for 'irresponsible' strategy of building up his own party in direct confrontation with opposition leader, leaving Labor and Meretz struggling to beat threshold

Estimated 15,000 people, including MKs, attend demonstration calling for action on climate change ahead of COP27 conference; march only 'finishes at the ballot box,' says organizer

Military says Jerusalem incident 'should not have occurred'; rights group slams apparent violation of medical ethics

Prime minister slated to offer 'hope and vision through strength'; right-wing ministers criticize intended remarks, while lawmakers from left support move and urge talks with Abbas

Pair faces deportation to Kherson despite massive military offensive in the Kherson region, after Population Authority says they do not qualify as humanitarian case

Reservist troops invited to Einot Kedem in Jordan Valley; IDF says looking into matter, said to be common occurrence at contested site; MKs slam situation: 'Moral bankruptcy'

Meretz's Zandberg says 'defiant' nationalist procession is 'endangering whole Middle East,' Yair Golan calls planned route 'a wrong decision'; supporters say event legitimate

Flyer signed by dozens of people with fallen relatives is criticized by Eli Ben Shem, chairman of Yad Labanim, for mixing the mourning with politics

Right-wing demonstrator detained for trying to snatch banner from protester near Evyatar, which is designated a closed military zone

Palestinians rarely receive permission from Israeli military to build in West Bank's Area C; In the same period, 1,169 Palestinian structures without permits demolished by state
