In defense of reversal, senior member of right-wing party says, 'We cannot allow there to be another election in 2020'

After her colleague Bennett reversed previous stance and said 'something extreme has to happen for us to oppose' move, Shaked says his emphasis on stability is 'correct'

Former right-wing minister explains about-face by arguing that what country needs most is 'stability' as it goes to polls for second time this year

Ayelet Shaked's proposal seeks to relocate half a million Israelis to northern West Bank, claims central Israel is nearly as crowded as Gaza and as expensive as New York

Education Minister Peretz insists history of Jewish people living in Muslim countries during Second World War be included in curriculum

Amid calls for her to step down, Roni Sassover says media distorting her 2018 remark conveying the sentiment that the only good Arab is a dead Arab

Former education minister accuses Avigdor Liberman of playing games that will lead to a left-wing government

Amir Peretz calls United Right member a 'hilltop youth' for decrying his proposals as 'extreme socialism'

Reform movement says Education Ministry has changed guidelines to favor Orthodox religious outreach over pluralistic Jewish studies, is hiding the activities from parents

No woman has ever risen to the pinnacle of political power in a bloc representing the traditionally patriarchal Orthodox community
