With several options, but none perfect, popular former justice minister said set to make decision on whether to stick with Naftali Bennett by end of week

Right-wing party confirms popular former justice minister in talks with ex-Jewish Home chair on future role, declines to comment on specific offer

MK Amir Peretz says he has spoken with chiefs of several parties, but not MK Avidgor Liberman or Naftali Bennett because he has 'no common ground' with them

Pro-cannabis party says two slates have agreed to unite in principle, but notes that Bennett's popularity pales compared to Feiglin's

Union of Right Wing Parties hopes to block Liberman in coalition negotiations after September elections

New Right chief says that, rather than serve, seminary students should be encouraged to study, work at younger age, claims plan could prevent 'economic collapse'

Two election campaigns put Israel under an 'interim government' for almost all of 2019. What does that mean?

PM assailed by right-wing pundits as 'intoxicated with power,' and not right-wing enough, though no alternative leader is offered, as pro-settlement allies duel

The pro-marijuana, libertarian head of Zehut says unlike URWP, New Right strikes the best balance to appeal to wider Israeli public

URWP hoping to stop popular former justice minister from running in coming elections with New Right, where she is said to have been offered party leadership
