Leading Democrat is highest-ranking American to visit Ukraine since start of the invasion; trip marks major show of support for country’s fight against Russia

Bipartisan resolve in Congress to deter Russia and help Ukraine has acted as an accelerant on White House's strategy, pushing Biden administration to move quickly against invasion

Agent arrived in the country last month to prepare for the US House speaker's trip but was sent home after altercation, sources tell ABC News

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur discusses 2023 budget plans and US correspondent Jacob Magid looks at highlights of US Democrats' visit and a church land brouhaha

Political correspondent Tal Schneider talks Nancy Pelosi visit and rumors of an Iran deal, and news editor Amy Spiro brings us the best of the Winter Olympics

Congressman Ro Khanna tells ToI that Israeli leaders he met are committed to calming Jerusalem tensions, says PA's Abbas understands payments to security prisoners are problematic

Palestinian president calls for strengthening bilateral ties amidst frustration in Ramallah over unfulfilled US pledge to reopen Jerusalem consulate

At Jerusalem meeting, pair discusses challenges facing Jewish state, including Iran; Pelosi had told Herzog that Congress likely to fund missile defense system as soon as March

President and US speaker emphasize 'unbreakable bond' between the two countries; Pelosi says Iron Dome funding will be approved next month

Leading delegation, US House speaker says security bond between two nations is 'ironclad' and Israel's creation 'greatest political achievement of the 20th century'
