Opponents of the judicial overhaul offer no alternative, no vision and no strategy. These are given to a political movement by its leaders, which the center-left doesn't have

Gantz calls Smotrich a 'Trojan horse' in Defense Ministry; Smotrich says it is 'parts of the opposition' that are behaving like Trojan horses

Criticism of the coalition's radical policies is growing even among those who voted for it; organizers of Saturday's demos must not alienate those vital potential supporters

National Unity leader says working together will ensure broad consensus on changes, warns government's current plans will leave Israel a 'hollow' democracy

'We won't be silent when they're harming our soldiers and our children,' says Lapid, as opposition lawmakers meet to form a 'united front' against incoming government's positions

Concerned over potential damage to democracy, National Unity chair sets up 'action forum' to fight incoming government's plans: 'We will not be silent'

Islamist party's chief Abbas says wants to work with any coalition that is formed; National Unity, Yesh Atid squabble over Lapid's leadership of expected opposition in new Knesset

In contrast to Netanyahu's alliance, the change bloc is ideologically diverse and won't toe any line, but may find common cause against the hardline coalition's extreme impulses

Yariv Levin tells president talks over reforms only valid if not being used as a delay tactic, as pre-ordained process kicks off ahead of Netanyahu being handed mandate Sunday

After meeting of three top leaders, party warns of 'extremist elements' in the right-religious government Netanyahu is expected to form
