Baharav-Miara backs petition by Movement for Quality Government seeking unprecedented judicial action against Basic Law passed in March keeping court from ordering PM's suspension
Moshe Lador assails justices for expressing doubt charge will stick behind closed doors, statements that immediately leaked. 'What were the judges thinking?'
Comments by Roni Alsheich, who oversaw investigation of PM, spark backlash from coalition figures, with several calling for attorney general to probe the matter
Move comes amid a push to fast-track the trial, following reports that the bench considers a conviction unlikely on the most serious count in one of the three corruption cases
Focusing on period where he lost job as communications minister with PM taking his place, Likud official says premier never gave him instructions over telecommunications company
No official decision has been submitted to the court yet; prosecution sources say if PM wants talks he can propose a plea deal, no need for external judge to be involved
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