Public broadcaster programs to be aired for Israeli viewers only, with proceeds heading to new programming

Film topping Netflix charts accused of playing on stereotypes for cheap laughs, depicting Jewish main character as white, privileged and uncool foil to Black, Muslim love interest

Netflix film starring Jonah Hill and Lauren London is a rom-com with teeth that doesn't shy away from airing long-simmering cultural grievances

Netflix’s comedy ‘You People,’ with Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Eddie Murphy, takes a new look at the often fraught Black-Jewish relations

'The Masked Scammer' brings Shirly Chikli -- an aspiring DJ and single mom of four -- to the screen to tell her side of a story that saw her former husband con the rich and famous

'They were happy to lie to protect my brother and yet for three years, they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us,' says Harry of rift with elder brother William

Royal says it was hard 'to see another woman in my life who I love go through this'

Julia Haart says she refused to turn off cameras even at her 'lowest point'; after season 1, sister cut off contact due to pressure from community: 'She didn’t want to be a pariah'

Avigdor Liberman suggests withholding funding from Jaffa theater set to screen 'Farha,' which he says 'incites against Israeli soldiers'

Sam Spiegel Film and TV School moves from industrial zone into new home on Jerusalem Campus for the Arts, a $50 million complex shared with academies for music, dance and acting
