On 1st anniversary of taking power, PM says ruling bloc members ‘haven’t internalized’ importance of the hour; Netanyahu claims premier fighting for his job, not the country

Lawmaker charges that Arab MKs Ghanaim, Zoabi held coalition hostage; says he'll vote against Knesset dispersal and work to form alternative government with 'patriotic spirit'

PM, Yamina's Orbach meet again; Sa'ar advances contentious settler law bill; Meretz leadership to discuss rebel MK Rinawie Zoabi; Ra'am seems to prep for wayward MK Ghanaim's exit

Ghaida Rinawie Zoabi indicates she won't submit to pressure to quit; coalition also dealing with threats from the right, with Bennett set to meet Sunday with with Yamina MK Orbach

Latest surveys have former PM's current opposition bloc at 60 seats; Yamina's Orbach said to give Bennett ultimatum to solve voting problems with Meretz, Ra'am within a week

Report says Idit Silman told coalition figure that she'll release files on Nir Orbach if Bennett's party seeks to punish her for defecting: 'He'll come out of this finished'

Yamina lawmaker and prime minister slated to sit down again on Sunday as reports swirl that government could be days away from collapse

Latest rebel threat reportedly tells prime minister he is fed up with coalition, as rumors swirl that he is in talks to join Netanyahu's Likud

Justice minister quotes Abraham Lincoln on governing despite being a lame duck, says vote losses will have 'severe consequences'; Shaked said to press Orbach to remain in Yamina

Lawmaker said to have told Bennett the government has no chance of surviving; colleague Silman threatens to release damaging documents if he lets party declare her a defector
