Western governments believe invasion may scuttle chances of further hostage releases; Biden publicly draws link between Hamas onslaught and efforts for Saudi-Israel normalization

Sources cited by news agencies say Riyadh has informed Washington of decision as Palestinian casualties mount following Hamas massacres of Israelis

Saudi offers to up production as gesture toward historic 3-way agreement that would also include US-Saudi defense pact, weapons sale, and civil nuke program, WSJ reports

Amid Israel normalization talks, Nayef al-Sudairi presents credentials as first ambassador to PA, heading kingdom's first delegation to West Bank in 30 years; may visit Al-Aqsa

Raisi says Jerusalem's efforts to normalize relations with regional powers will fail, populations in Abraham Accords countries 'have a great deal of hate' for Israel

Faisal bin Farhan says Mideast security requires 'just, comprehensive solution to Palestinian issue' and an 'independent state' on 1967 borders, doesn't bring up normalization

Addressing UN, US president also touts commitment to stopping Iran from getting nukes; Guterres decries 'escalating violence, bloodshed in the occupied Palestinian territory'

At Yom Kippur War commemoration, David Barnea warns of existential security threats, highlights importance of normalization with neighbors

President Kais Saied says the word 'normalization' does not exist for him when it comes to Jewish state, days after news of Libya-Israel FM meeting sparked fierce backlash

Yesh Atid head and National Unity leader Benny Gantz signal they could support potential normalization agreement from outside the government
