Did the PM know Cohen was about to publicize the unprecedented meet with Libya's Mangoush, with predictably awful consequences? If so, why didn't he intervene? And if not, why not?

Ignoring vast public outrage, all 64 coalition MKs backed the first step on Netanyahu's march to neuter the judiciary. Will the Haredi parties' key demand threaten that united front?

Plumbing new depths of irresponsibility, the coalition's dominant far-right lawmakers, indulged by the PM, are dragging the security establishment deep into the political maelstrom

It's like we've been taken over by a deranged, masochistic demolition squad. Except that the coalition's Jewish supremacists, empowered by Netanyahu, know exactly what they're doing

Understanding Israel's moment of truth - from the war on Start-up Nation, to the moral crisis in Orthodox Jewry, to the author's personal failure of empathy for political opponents

It's not too late to save and heal our miraculous country. Forced to confront his own mortality even as he seeks excessive power, will the prime minister finally change course?

Addressing Congress, Herzog hailed our 'beautiful democracy,' commitment to equality and independent judiciary. Back home, Netanyahu is dragging Israel in the opposite direction

The defense minister briefly lost his job for speaking out in March in a bid to heal the dangerous rift over neutering the judiciary. He's disinclined to do so again. But he must

Only a government bent on doing the unreasonable would move to ensure that the justices cannot defend against it

After limited incursion, rather than focus on long-term plan to prevent anarchy and worse in West Bank, coalition again prioritizing its divisive obsession with neutering judiciary
