We need to change habits that exacerbate the crisis, and demand that our governments take the strategic steps to offer coming generations a realistic prospect of, put simply, life

Artem Dolgopyat and his fiancée aren't complaining. But they and 400,000 others are victims of a nonsensical policy that gives them citizenship but denies them the right to wed

The artistic gymnast who soared to the second gold in Israeli Olympic history keeps his feet firmly on the ground amid national euphoria

We need a serious, empowered forum to enable more effective interaction between Israel and the Diaspora - to thrash out our differences, meet our challenges. He should head it

PM would send an important signal were he to announce he won't profit personally from his stake in Payoneer, which in the past helped firms operating in internet's seedy underbelly

At the start of what will be a relentless fight to protect his coalition against a predecessor who is treating him despicably, the new PM is already radiating weakness

Ex-PM, ironically, paved the path for new coalition. His shunning of the traditional handover of power, after his graceless Knesset speech, underlines why his departure was overdue

Never before in Israel's history have rightists, leftists, centrists and Arabs agreed to stake out common ground, together in government, in the cause of the greater good
