From the Israeli and Jewish perspective, 'never again' is a potent and credible commitment; but, as Ukraine's plight underlines, the international community cannot say the same

Tens of thousands of Palestinians dispersed peacefully on Friday afternoon after prayers in Jerusalem. The hundreds who clashed with police earlier, by contrast, had come to fight

May our leaders find the wisdom to thwart the threats and ensure Israel's future as a thriving Jewish, democratic nation, utilizing the moral and practical compass Judaism provides

4 years ago, in a deadly attack for which he paid no real price, Russia's president showed he has no compunction in doing the unthinkable, unless or until he is denied the capacity

The Yamina PM's fatal political failure was in choosing a Knesset slate that, unlike those of all his 7 coalition partners, has proved unwilling to follow its leader

The PM may have unique access to Putin but he has no unique leverage; he risks being seen as appeasing one regional bully precisely when Israel seeks world support against another

Biden says 'freedom will always triumph over tyranny' and Putin will 'pay the price' for his war on Ukraine. But freedom does not always triumph, and certainly not always in time

Ukraine's president fears he is Russia's 'number one target' and his wife and children are number two. Our pledged support for Ukraine must include demanding his safety

One country invading another is 'so 20th century,' our foreign minister said. Except, as he went on to acknowledge, it's all too plainly a threat in the here and now

The allegation is unjustified and malicious -- deeply harmful to Israel for those who take it at face value; damaging to Amnesty's credibility for those who know better
