The last Soviet leader has passed away precisely as Putin's Russia tangles with the Jewish Agency, moving to shut down the Israeli organization that handles Jewish emigration

From the cabinet seat he'd be assured if Netanyahu regains power, this election's high-flyer would advance a Kahanist push for an Israel neither democratic nor authentically Jewish

The PA president's remarks in Berlin reconfirm his abiding rejection of Jewish history - ancient and modern, in Israel and in exile. It's why he has failed his people and ours

The PM urged Gazans to choose a better future. But they won't until their schools and media provide an honest take on our complex reality -- the last thing their leaders want

Two and a half years after the event, Jared Kushner finally explains how a carefully constructed effort 'to improve the lives of the Palestinian and Israeli people' was derailed

Undervaluing our teachers is not only deplorably shortsighted. It's also emblematic of an economy dangerously dividing into an often callous elite and a demotivated majority

Their newly opened airspace has nothing to do with Israel, they say, and normalization can't happen until there's a Palestinian state. But actually, obviously, it's all about Iran

Differing from Bennett and Netanyahu in tone and substance, Lapid conveys a message to the region, and to the Israeli electorate

The US president certainly has important business to do in Saudi Arabia. But there's nothing more critical than stopping a nuclear Iran. And time is running out

What kind of Jewish education is producing youngsters who genuinely believe the foul behavior witnessed last Thursday constitutes the glorification of the divine power?
