Netanyahu loyalist claims his 'reforms' fix imbalance between branches of government. In fact, he's neutering the High Court, the only defense, for anyone, against any coalition

The PM could have simply told the far-right leader that his Temple Mount visit was counterproductive to Israel's interests. Here's why he didn't

Incoming finance minister says he wants to promote free market, freedom of expression; 'Israel’s new government isn’t what you’ve heard, he argues

Abusing its power, as Menachem Begin once warned against, the new coalition is planning for racist MKs, legalized discrimination, annexation without Palestinian rights, and a toothless top court

The incoming PM's inability to quickly bend his allies to his will, at least in those areas where he doesn't truly share their agenda, is a portent of friction and troubles ahead

Guaranteeing the right of 'every Jew' to immigrate to Israel and become a citizen, the law is a core obligation, and privilege, of the world's only Jewish state

An extraordinary coalition deal gives the Religious Zionism leader 'full responsibility' in the biblical Judea and Samaria he seeks to annex, with only Netanyahu to hold him back

He is giving toxic provocateurs more power than they could have imagined and is set to take a wrecking ball to our judiciary. It's a recipe for disunity and national weakness

Bezalel Smotrich's insistence on a top ministerial position is no surprise; what should be shocking is Netanyahu's readiness to even contemplate giving him such authority

The nascent right-religious gov't does not begin to represent Israel's diverse constituencies, and its members push policies antithetical to the values and needs of many Israelis
