Jackson must replace ordinance with one that allows 'religious elementary and secondary schools, religious higher learning institutions, and religious residential schools'

Organizations affiliated with liberal and progressive streams of Judaism call for reforms after latest mass killing, but others shy way from taking politically fraught stance

Conservative justices indicate not offering funds to religious schools could discriminate, in case supporting tuition aid for private schools, closely followed by Jewish groups

4 women allege OU, NCSY knowingly allowed Rabbi Baruch Lanner's sexual and violent behavior against them when they were teens despite numerous, long-standing complaints against him

Jewish Federations, Orthodox Union and ADL pen letter to heads of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, calling for hearing on Holocaust scholar Deborah Lipstadt's nomination

While the Orthodox Union described the Impossible Burger as an 'excellent product,' its faux-porcine counterpart elicits a 'visceral' reaction from many observant consumers

In unusual move, group setting up meetings between lawmakers and Orthodox Jewish constituents alarmed by antisemitic incidents since last month’s Israel-Gaza conflict

In quick response to letter asking for action, administration officials meet with reps from major organizations to discuss future measures including naming a Jewish liaison

AIPAC lobby group condemns president's 'incitement,' ADL calls for suspension of his social media accounts; others focus on restoring law and order to Capitol

Urging religious establishments to apply for funds, congresswoman who led bid says increase needed 'following recent acts of violence and hate that have occurred across our nation'
