Catch an update on Team Israel in the Olympics with Amy Spiro while Palestinian affairs correspondent Aaron Boxerman introduces the five-member Palestinian delegation

National library director Ehab Bessaiso dismissed last month, days after he spoke out online against death of Nizar Banat while in Palestinian police custody

25 trucks intended for power plant in Strip are stuck at Kerem Shalom crossing; Israeli official says it's Palestinians' fault, PA denies it

For years, President Rivlin was the only top official to hold conversations with PA leader, but the new government appears to be changing tack

PA blasts president's characterization, says 'the occupation is terrorism itself'; left-wing MK protests use of loaded term to describe an 'ice cream boycott'

Nazir Banat's relatives, who allege he was severely beaten during arrest, say they still haven't received a document with his cause of death; slam PA's 'criminal behavior'

Hady Amr proposes several measures Jerusalem can take to strengthen governing body in Ramallah, which is at one of its lowest points yet due to pandemic and election postponement

As crackdown continues, demonstrations sparked by death of outspoken critic shine unwanted light on corrupt and increasingly authoritarian Palestinian Authority

Even though decision eventually passed, security officials warned that now is a bad time to deal a financial blow to PA, according to Walla

Security cabinet votes to freeze transfer of some tax revenues collected for the Palestinian Authority to offset funds paid out to terrorists and their families
