Hebron school shares video glorifying Dalal Mughrabi on its Facebook page, encouraging students to watch it as part of their online curriculum at home amid pandemic

Prisoner was alone in cell for 2 days, Prison Service says; officials have long expressed concerns over a possible outbreak in prison system

Foreign and Commonwealth Office has removed from internal document references to London being 'strong supporter' of PA's state-building efforts, UK Jewish News reports

PA, Israel and other authorities make moves to ban communal nighttime feasts, keep mosques shuttered with holy month set to start Thursday evening

Collaboration continues, but goodwill dissipates as number of Palestinians infected in Israel climbs, and coalition deal paving way for extending sovereignty is signed

But Palestinian Authority president tells videoconferenced cabinet meeting that there is still no end in sight for outbreak, also warns Israel against annexation moves

As demand for chicken meat peaks for Passover and Ramadan, West Bank effluent drains into tributary of Israel's Alexander River, highlighting cross-boundary pollution problem

Prime Minister Shtayyeh says Ramallah 'will not bow to blackmail' as leaders accuse Israel of intentionally spreading pandemic; spokesman says Israelis are 'agents of the virus'

Jerusalem warns Ramallah to immediately cease 'incitement' claim that Jewish state 'polluting' Palestinian towns, after 73% of cases there said linked to those who work in Israel

PA says man, 55, had preexisting conditions; 3 new cases confirmed, including two women in their 20s and a 7-year-old girl
