Second Intifada-era Fatah commander Zakaria Zubeidi also facing charges for shootings, bombings dating back more than a decade

Ashraf Na'alowa, who killed 2 in October West Bank shooting, told his mother Wafa he planned to become a 'martyr,' but she didn't try to stop him or inform authorities

Americans advised to be alert, avoid demonstrations and follow Israeli authorities' instructions ahead of Nakba Day protests, Eurovision

Report cites 40% surge in calls to trauma helpline, with over 1,000 calls just during last week's 2-day flareup

Psychiatric evaluation says Arafat Irfaiya responsible for his actions and can be tried for brutal rape, murder of Israeli teenager

After a lower court rejected request, judge is said to approve examination for Arafat Irfaiya, who has admitted to killing Ori Ansbacher

Palestinians say soldiers surround family home of Omar Abu Laila in northern West Bank village of Zawiya, month after he killed Gal Keidan and Achiad Ettinger at Ariel Junction

Army stops unarmed Palestinians in two separate incidents along the southern border
