After court ruling okaying expulsion, media reports indicate several homes and structures have been demolished in recent days

Colleagues praise renowned reporter, killed while covering clashes between IDF and Palestinian gunmen, as a groundbreaking woman in media

Bloc calls on Israel 'to cease demolitions and evictions in line with international law'; authorities raze residential building in East Jerusalem, saying owner lacked permits

According to unnamed security officials quoted by several outlets, hundreds of family members of recent attackers will be barred from entering

Over 850 detained since Thursday, including over 500 in last day amid nationwide operation launched following deadly assault by Palestinians who sneaked through fence

2 killed in Jenin Thursday morning, after 3 deaths Wednesday as IDF carries out arrests in major cities and towns throughout West Bank; Ramallah announces general strike in protest

Foreign minister says over 8,000 cops will be deployed across the country during Passover and Ramadan; Kobi Shabtai says police are at 'peak readiness'

Palestinians and their supporters are watching the West’s astounding mobilization for Ukraine and demanding the same against Israel. Here’s why it probably won’t work

Escaping the war in Ukraine, Viktoria Saidam and her husband take shelter in Gaza, not a place typically associated with security; nonetheless, they say they 'feel safe here'

Security agency and IDF warn tensions during Muslim holiday, which coincides with Passover, could lead to tensions
