Discovery, made through ‘peek in virus's black box,’ could lead to therapies that halt havoc wrought on vascular system, say Tel Aviv University scientists
Oral inoculation intended to be effective after just one dose, and could also provide easy-to-distribute solution to growing need for boosters, inventors say
One virus expert is worried about importing new cases and new mutations; another says extra infection will be minimal -- and that variants will enter with or without tourists
‘We’re not finishing the job,’ laments Prof. Eran Segal; Israel has 650,000 eligible for coronavirus vaccine shots who haven't received any, and 1.1 million resisting boosters
A chevra kadisha in Pittsburgh returns to the graves of over 100 people who died in 2020-21 to pray and 'apologize' for being unable to perform preparation for burial in entirety
The pandemic has accentuated the problem; with kids struggling to follow health advice between doctor appointments, prize-driven software could help keep them committed
A number of countries may be initially excluded from potential framework of allowing in non-group travelers, due to absence of deals to recognize vaccination certificates
New variants will be held at bay for now, says Rivka Abulafia-Lapid, whose optimism comes as number of new serious COVID cases per day almost halves over two weeks
'Dramatic figures' show over-60s who shun vaccines are not only at much greater risk of death than triple-vaxxed, but also have 65 times the chance of getting seriously ill
Virus rates are falling, making some experts optimistic, but others say infection could quickly spike and mass quarantines could put the kibosh on classes
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