Reverend Deon K. Johnson calls practice 'deeply problematic' and warns 'it contributes to the objectification of our Jewish neighbors'

Commentary in religious book distributed to officers for holiday says God sometimes 'allows our enemies to attack us so that we're inspired to repent'

'For Our Freedom' includes vivid illustrations by Kyiv-born Israeli artist Zoya Cherkassky-Nnadi

The Haggadah tells us to recall our ancestors' liberation as though we too were redeemed. It's an annual reminder of how precious our freedom is, and our obligation to protect it

Known for its harsh conditions, the oft-overlooked NYC prison allows a yearly ritual that provides a rare ray of hope for those incarcerated there -- and the volunteers who lead it

Some are tweaking the traditional Pesach service, with traditional symbols and passages taking on new meaning amid Israeli government's highly divisive efforts to weaken judiciary

Tzohar and Emda organizations team up to provide practical guidance on how to follow Jewish law while including the ill in holiday traditions as best as possible

Dnipro bakery shaken by drone attack as it prepares tons of matzah for Seder; rabbis see rise in interest from unaffiliated Jews

Since the release of ChatGPT and Midjourney, people are using artificial intelligence to tell the Passover story in new ways - though some worry about mixing AI with the sacred

Martin Bodek renders the traditional holiday text into readable Elizabethan English, seamlessly adding multiple quotes from each of the great writer's 39 plays
