Itamar Ben Gvir, a longtime proponent of Jewish rights at the holy site, tells fringe groups not to perform ritual killing of lambs where Temples once stood

Laniado guards in Netanya said to prevent entry over wafers, days before Passover start; hospitals look to balance compliance with longstanding respect for all religious practices

Alongside 112,000 Moshes, there are 1,4290 Pesachs; 3,795 Nisans and even four Matzas

One victim reported in serious condition and the two others lightly injured; army says suspected assailant 'neutralized'

Since the release of ChatGPT and Midjourney, people are using artificial intelligence to tell the Passover story in new ways - though some worry about mixing AI with the sacred

Move is standard practice during Israeli festivals and holidays, which are seen as periods of increased tensions; Palestinians still to be allowed in for Friday Ramadan prayers

Holiday text undergoes complex translation as Ukraine's Jews continue to forge a separate identity, a process hastened by Russia's invasion

Martin Bodek renders the traditional holiday text into readable Elizabethan English, seamlessly adding multiple quotes from each of the great writer's 39 plays

US correspondent Jacob Magid discusses the US president vs the PM on judicial reform as religion and Diaspora affairs reporter Canaan Lidor looks at protests and a Karaite Passover

The easy-on counter lining promised to make holiday prep a breeze but left buyers in a bind when it wasn't easy-off. With a new and improved formula, owners seek a clean slate
