Media mogul aims to calm concerns after top lieutenant detained in Portugal on suspicion of embezzlement

The recently fully opened European Jewish Center boasts event halls, a gym, kosher food, auditoriums, office spaces and a synagogue - and perhaps most of all, a sense of permanence

Israeli organization gears up for follow-up space mission in 2024, asks global research institutes to submit ideas for experiments

Cassandre Fristot, 34, carried poster during demonstration against COVID-19 restrictions; police say it was 'manifestly antisemitic'

Poster lists names of public figures, including prominent Jews, implying they control the media and calling them 'traitors'; politicians, Israeli embassy decry 'despicable' display

Beresheet 2 mission hopes to launch in 2024 and will see double landing of two small crafts that will detach from mothership, one of them aiming for far side

Reuters: The deal would mark the first major merger in the Israeli telecom sector and the newest acquisition for Patrick Drahi, the French-Israeli billionaire

Following recent transfer of assets, wife of casino mogul overtakes recent immigrant Roman Abramovich for title of wealthiest Israeli

The Moroccan-born Jewish businessman is a self-made billionaire and said to own some 'fairly spectacular' works by Marc Chagall.

New York auction house purchased by owner of Israeli Hot cable TV operator, to go private after 30 years on New York Stock exchange