Judges accept attorney general's position, say PM must not be involved in legislation due to conflict of interest, but reject assertion he was in breach of court order

Hebrew University professor behind letter with over 240 signatories says Nobel Prize-winning French economist who couldn't sign asked Macron to protest overhaul to Netanyahu

Judge says court only intervenes when planning process is flawed; as legal opposition route closes, opponents of plan vow to launch public campaign

Deal signed by Europe Asia Pipeline Company with Emirati consortium 'invalid' because it wasn't approved by government or opened for consultation with public, petition charges

Fabien Azoulay, who is serving 16 years for buying drugs online, threatened with violence; 92,000 sign petition calling for Macron to intervene

Court orders law enforcement to submit new regulations specifying when officers can ask for IDs, after petition charging discrimination against people of Ethiopian origin, Arabs

As 3rd lockdown looms, Movement for Quality Government petitions High Court against ministry's decision to award NIS 700 million of food vouchers on basis of city rate discounts

Judge rules committee was wrong to advance proposals by Yitzhak Tshuva's IDE, as well as Hutchison Water, in light of water quality having been faked at another plant they owned