Documentary film 'Witness Theater' depicts drama lessons that bridge communication gaps between octogenarians and high schoolers, and their resultant real-life friendships

Setting itself apart with its universal appeal, the show still boasts a laundry list of Israeli icons among its writers, creators, and actors; now playing in an extended run in NYC

As edgy musical 'Falsettos' opens in London, debate known as 'Jewface' sees Britain's minority groups unite to protest lack of representation in heavily Jew-centric productions

A new play explores the similarities in the relationships between teacher and student, and the rhythms and structure of the two disciplines

Serious and silly, the marionettes and their masters will perform for four days in August

Running till August 18, play by David Schechter launches Folksbiene's 104th season with rare English production, alongside the Museum of Jewish Heritage's huge Auschwitz exhibit

'Hadestown' wins best musical and 'The Ferryman' takes best play award, as do their Jewish directors, Rachel Chavkin -- only the 4th woman to win in that category -- and Sam Mendes

1928's comic 'The Tsar wants his photograph taken' lampoons anarchists' Jewish stereotypes even while connecting a modern researcher to his family's roots
