Holocaust memorial site, where 1.1 million people, mostly European Jews, were killed, says its '2020 budget has collapsed' as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
Awarded a medal for attempt to derail Nazi leader's train while interned in Poland in 1942; recently recovered from a suspected bout of COVID-19, but died two weeks later
Lublin's Hotel Ilan, once home to one of the largest yeshivas in the world, will also throw in free breakfast for medical professionals who don't want to expose family to pathogen
Main ceremony at Yad Vashem national memorial site prerecorded and held in front of empty venue; President Rivlin, Prime Minister Netanyahu and survivors deliver messages by video
Polish PM Morawiecki and representatives of Jewish, Polish organizations lay wreaths, but only virtual tours of site where fighters resisted Nazi Germany on offer
From the Depths, an organization dedicated to helping Righteous Gentiles who risked their lives in WWII, converts a free taxi service to bring supplies amid the coronavirus crisis
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