After a year-long leadership stalemate with government, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews can carry on with its mission, says new head Zygmunt Stepinski
Three charges brought against Jacek Miedlar who, among other allegations, in 2017 said Jews in synagogues 'get drunk with Talmudic hatred'; could face 3 years if convicted
Authorities agree to former deputy director of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in a compromise, after refusing to re-appoint director for alleged political bias
Dariusz Stola ran afoul of Polish authorities for criticizing their policies, including controversial Holocaust speech law; says willing to cede his right to head POLIN institution
Marian Turski says the Holocaust didn't 'fall from the sky' but came after growing acceptance for discrimination against minorities; remarks seen as aimed at nationalist government
Hidden trove includes silver-plated candlesticks, bronze vases with Hebrew inscriptions, a silver goblet; unknown who concealed it in building's architecture
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