Poland's chief rabbi compares operation that sent 260,00 to their deaths to mass displacement of Ukrainians during Russian invasion

Site with 17.5 tons of human ashes discovered near Soldau concentration camp, north of Warsaw; researchers say victims, possibly 'Polish elites,' killed around 1939

'Time to return to normal relations': Polish president says envoy to Jerusalem will be dispatched in coming days, after countries locked horns over Holocaust legislation

Amnesty International and Polish news outlet identify attempted hacking against former deputy ministers, government advisers

After Jerusalem declines to resume visits, due to disagreement over curriculum, Polish deputy FM says Warsaw wants deal on presence of armed guards, meetings with young Poles

Russia has 'right to take actions to protect its national interests,' its foreign ministry says; Baltic nation cites EU sanctions on goods moving to and from Kaliningrad

Poland's President Duda travels to Kyiv, becoming first foreign leader to address Ukrainian parliament since beginning of war

Adam Michnik is known for his role in Poland's Solidarity pro-democracy movement; was imprisoned in 1980s for efforts to end country's communist rule

During Victory Day at Soviet Soldiers Cemetery in Warsaw, protesters prevent envoy and others from laying flowers on graves

Ukraine needs over 12,000 tons of humanitarian aid every day, says Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki; Google, COVID-19 vaccine maker AstraZeneca join nations in pledging aid
