Rallies being held outside PM's residences and at overpasses across Israel as part of ongoing protests against premier over his indictment on graft charges, handling of pandemic

Plan has thrown valuable resources 'down the drain' as planners spent years working from outdated info; with costs estimated to have doubled, alternative location being considered

PM again attacks media over coverage, claims without evidence that protests are leading to virus outbreaks; defense minister says protests are 'lifeblood of democracy'

No major violence reported between cops, demonstrators and right-wing activists, though protesters in some parts of country attacked

Demonstrators flood Paris Square and much of city center as thousands of others gather at various junctions throughout country, calling on premier to resign

Suspect taken into custody for cursing at, spitting on demonstrators, while 3 nabbed for spraying water toward protest as thousands rally against PM across Israel

Candidate said to tell associates police minister implied promotion was tied to his position on anti-Netanyahu demonstrations

Demonstrators call for premier's ouster in front of his homes in Jerusalem, Caesarea; solidarity rallies planned abroad in San Francisco, London

Gantz says the assailants must be punished; Ohana: 'Flames must be quashed' on both sides; Ya'alon says premier had instigated 'terrorism'; no public comment from Netanyahu

Hundreds picket minister's home after he tells cops to quash anti-PM rallies, protesters also block main highway in Tel Aviv; 5 reported wounded and 4 arrested
