Security upgrades underway in family's private home, where they have been staying while major renovations are carried out at official residence

Data shows less than $270,000 spent on residences of both Bennett and Lapid in 2022, compared to $685,000 spent by Netanyahu family on homes in Jerusalem, Caesarea in 2019

As Balfour residence is renovated, state to also cover travel expenses for PM's wife, hospitality costs; opposition MKs: Government 'living in parallel universe' as prices rise

Information, said to include planned fortifications, layout of rooms and location of bulletproof windows, said to have been on Jerusalem Planning Administration website

With Balfour residence under renovation, PM expected to ask Knesset Finance Committee to bankroll running costs for apartment in Jerusalem as well as family home in Caesarea

Report says Netanyahu's staff to discuss matter in coming days; ongoing renovations at Balfour compound estimated to cost around $30 million, last another 2-3 more years

Former members of elite units organizing 3-day demonstration, joining economists, students, lawyers and other groups who have voiced opposition to coalition's reform plans

Netanyahu's staff searching for architect to construct long stalled combined residence and office for PM, a project that will likely cost over $350 million

With renovations still underway at official Balfour Street lodgings, PM has set up shop on busy Azza Street in capital, causing road closures and delays

Former PM's son argues failure of Prime Minister's Residence staff to deliver court papers denied him right to defend himself; prosecutor's office says letter properly delivered
