To entice Sa'ar into the government, Netanyahu is considering handing the premiership briefly to Bennett or a Likud loyalist, while remaining in the PM's official residence

'We set up the tent to expel the defendant from Balfour,' says head of group leading rallies against PM, claiming the encampment finished 'its historic role'

Unnamed PMO officials complain to Channel 13 it is unreasonable for country to pay for security at three different homes for Sara's comfort; PMO challenges report

7 arrested as demonstrators lament delay of hearing in PM's corruption trial due to coronavirus lockdown; organizers claim other hearings continuing, courtroom specially equipped

Smaller demonstrations also held throughout the country; rally-goers attacked in Holon, Kfar Yona; police arrest one person who pepper-sprayed protesters in Holon

Agency reportedly read messages of demonstrators whose protest outside PM's residence led Netanyahu and wife to be rushed to safe room; says it acted according to law

Incident reportedly occurred last week but was only revealed now, leading to accusations Netanyahu trying to equate between his opponents and mob who stormed US Capitol

Weekly demonstrations held outside Netanyahu's residence and across nation; car drives into protesters, nearly hitting them; 11 arrested in earlier scuffles with police

Several incidents of violence toward demonstrators reported on 27th weekend of rallies demanding Netanyahu's resignation

Along with main demonstration outside PM's residence in Jerusalem, protesters will also rally outside Ramat Gan hospital where the premier plans to get vaccinated on live TV
