IAEA urges Russian troops holding staff hostage for 13 days to rotate in other workers, saying rest is crucial to site safety; Grossi offers to travel to Ukraine

Ukrainian authorities say Russian forces cut off mobile networks and the internet at Zaporizhzhia; Grossi says regular communications crucial for facility's safety and security

Outstanding questions remain over past presence of nuclear material at undeclared sites; Grossi says after meetings with Iranians that there's 'no predefined outcome' to agreement

Lavrov says 'avalanche of aggressive sanctions' mustn't impact Moscow's rights under agreement; IRGC unveils what it describes as 2 new underground missile and drone bases

IAEA's Grossi says visit to 'address outstanding questions,' without further details; may include weapons program probe; Iran official: 'God willing there will be an understanding'

In a report to member countries, IAEA estimates figure at 33 kilograms; total stockpile assessed at 3,197, though it could not verify exact size due to limitations on inspectors

UN nuclear watchdog passes resolution deploring Moscow's activity in Ukraine and 'other violent actions,' including taking control of Chernobyl disaster site

Grossi vows IAEA will 'never abandon' its attempts to clarify the presence of nuclear material at several undeclared Iranian sites, as Tehran urges closure of probe

After Russian takeover of Chernobyl and Putin's nuclear threats, IAEA director Grossi says damage to nuclear facilities poses 'potentially severe consequences'

Head of nuclear watchdog reveals cooperation at Saudi conference; country's energy minister last month said Riyadh intends to exploit large uranium ore deposits
