Soldiers and others are helping to rescue wild animals hurt in war-torn areas
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Augusta, 53, who suffered a stroke, is euthanized; keepers watch as family, other members of her group pay last respects

Sai, 5, found by staff in nearby park, hours after fleeing from zoo; red-collared lemurs are native to Madagascar and classified as endangered

Safari park says it filed a police complaint about man seen in video posing with the toothy reptiles

Ape exits enclosure through newly planted vegetation; officials say she was never close to visitors' area and did not present danger

The unnamed calf is the 33rd born at park, which runs one of the most successful breeding programs for the endangered southern white rhinoceros

In clip from Ramat Gan Safari, group of females crowd around young animal as sirens wail with the sound of rocket explosions in the background

Chief veterinarian at Safari Park says primate underwent surgery to remove the shards

2 coffins from Roman period found during building work for new wildlife hospital, after they were initially dug up around 25 years ago when parking lot was built

Wildlife hospital says 700 creatures now under its care due to people's carelessness upon their return to nature reserves
