Party leaders refrain from calling US president's tweets on Democratic congresswomen racist, but some in the rank-and-file condemn

Warning against America's two-party 'partisan death spiral,' the Michigan congressman, a longtime critic of Trump, said considering presidential bid as a libertarian

Mirroring 2016 campaign, US president casts himself as political outsider, tears into 'fake news media' and 'unhinged' Democrats at reelection rally in must-win state of Florida

Republicans rip first-term congresswoman over remarks, accuse her of demeaning the memory of Jews murdered in the Holocaust

With 2020 election approaching and little appetite in the GOP for open conflict with Tehran, the political pitfalls ahead for the first-term Republican president could be serious

Opponents accuse Republican leaders of focusing on anti-BDS policy for political gain, while ignoring more serious threat of white nationalism

Controversial bill meant to oppose the anti-Israel boycott is held up in part because Democrats say it poses a threat to First Amendment free speech protections

Moderate Republican, six-term lawmaker from Indiana, praised for career marked by bipartisan work and effort to stem spread of nuclear weapons

Trump celebrates the victory saying it provides 'a better chance' for peace, but many Democrats believe it sabotages chances for a two-state solution with Palestinians
